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We publish news and press releases about our investments and other current topics.

Finnfund updated its strategy

Finnfund’s Board of Directors has approved a new strategy for the company, setting operational guidelines until 2025. Finnfund’s mission is to build a better world by investing in responsible and profitable businesses in developing countries. The company’s vision is to be, by 2025, a valued partner and frontrunner in impact among European development finance institutions. […]

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Evaluation of Finnfund’s special risk financing completed – the focus successfully shifted to the poorest countries

The evaluation of the special risk financing, commissioned by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, which is responsible for steering Finnfund’s operations, has been completed. According to the evaluation, the special risk financing has worked out as planned, as the focus of Finnfund’s investment portfolio has shifted to the poorest countries and to high-risk projects with […]

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Finnfund provides funding to Access Bank to support Nigerian agribusiness

Finnfund, a Finnish development finance company, provides a loan of USD 12 to Nigerian Access Bank, aiming to support the development of Nigeria’s agricultural sector, increase productivity and reduce dependence on import of agricultural and food products. The funding will be used to support private business involved in agricultural production, processing and distribution. Agriculture remains […]

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Finnfund’s tax policy was renewed – tax responsibility at the core of the operations

Finnfund has renewed its tax policy. Tax policy consists of Finnfund’s principles and practices to assess and promote tax responsibility in its own operations and in the projects it finances. Projects financed by Finnfund must be both economically viable and responsibly implemented, and must generate development effects in the target countries. Finnfund requires the projects […]

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Finnfund to finance 10 solar power plants in El Salvador

Finnfund has provided a USD 15 million loan for the construction of ten solar power plants in El Salvador, Central America. Power plants are expected to be fully operational in 2019. Together, they will have a capacity of 100 megawatts. The company responsible for the project is Bosforo Ltda de CV, owned by two companies […]

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Memorandum for 2018 on the steering of Finnfund activities by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

The memorandum for 2018 on the steering of Finnfund has been published. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the main shareholder, steers Finnfund’s operations by means of an annual memorandum. This document defines Finnfund’s specific function in promoting development and sets objectives for its development policy operations, operational development and financial profitability. Its basis is the Government […]

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Pasi Rajala appointed Communications Director at Finnfund

Pasi Rajala has been appointed Communications Director at Finnfund as of 8 January 2018. Rajala has about two decades of experience from communications and almost ten years of experience from development issues. He has held communications posts at the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Tanzania, New York and Copenhagen. In Finland, he has worked as […]

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Finnfund to finance the largest wind farm in Serbia

Finnfund, together with Taaleri Aurinkotuuli, a Finnish investment fund, has made an investment in Cibuk 1 wind farm, located in Vojvodina, Northern Serbia. The 158 MW wind farm will consist of 57 GE turbines, and once operational, can produce up to 475 GWh of power per year. The wind farm is expected to reach full […]

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Finnfund to invest with an IFC-led consortium to support the world’s largest solar park in Egypt

Finnfund, a Finnish development finance company, participates in financing the construction of 13 solar power plants in southern Egypt, near the city of Aswan. The plants will be part of the larger Benban Solar Park, which, once complete, will be the largest solar installation in the world. Finnfund’s investment amounts to a total of USD […]

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Finnfund’s initial reaction to the Gaipe Report

On 6 July 2017, FMO and Finnfund finalized their exit from the Agua Zarca project in Honduras. Following the murder of Berta Cáceres, a well-respected human rights activist, FMO and Finnfund publicly expressed the deepest sorrow at her violent death. We have called upon the Honduran authorities for a thorough investigation and continue this call […]

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