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Sustainable agriculture

Climate change, population growth and urbanisations threaten the food security of millions of people. Many developing countries continue to import food because the productivity and crops of their own agriculture are inadequate.

Improving the productivity of agriculture in a sustainable manner creates jobs and raises the income of people dependent on farming.

Finnfund invests in the entire value chain of agriculture with the aim of improving primary farm production, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. At the end of 2023, Finnfund’s investments (portfolio and commitments) in sustainable agriculture were worth 88 million euros, representing approximately 8 per cent of our portfolio. We have also invested in financial institutions that increase access to finance in this capital-scarce sector.

In 2022, our investees were working with 6.5 million small-scale and livestock farmers, of whom 79% were women. Read more in our annual report.

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See video on sustainable agriculture

Finnfund’s growing investments in agriculture target food security and climate change. Through agricultural investments, we support women in their daily lives and daily work.

More videos are published on Finnfund’s YouTube channel.

Examples of our investments

Contact us:


Ilkka Norjamäki
Associate Director, Head of Agriculture and Forestry portfolio
tel. +358 40 866 8642

Pauliina Halonen
Senior Investment Manager
tel. +358 40 759 6479

Peter Chappell

Peter Chappell
Investment Manager
tel. +358 40 198 5742