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38 posts found.

Selected Category: Impact

Stronger focus on investing in fragile environments

Ari Nironen

Did you know that it is estimated that more than half of the world’s poor will be living in fragile states by 2030? That is why fragile states are at the core of development financiers’ (DFIs) mission to alleviate poverty. It is an important goal for us to provide sustainable, good jobs particularly for young […]

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Finnfund’s new Gender Statement guides future investment decisions

Finnfund has adopted a statement on promoting gender equality. The document compiles the measures through which Finnfund guides its investment decisions to better promote gender equality, women’s role in the markets, and women’s economic empowerment. The promotion of the rights of women and girls is a long-term priority of Finnish development policy and one of […]

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Seminar: Sustainable development and climate action from African forests

How are the forests in Africa doing? What are the most cost-effective climate actions and can deforestation be slowed down? Is there demand for sustainably produced wood? Why is it so difficult to get private funding? What could the EU do? Forests, food production and climate change are closely linked to one another, professor Markku […]

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Finnfund invites comments on the draft Statement on Gender Equality

Preparing to its statement on gender equality, Finnfund wishes to give all those willing to comment on the first draft a chance to do so. Comments can be submitted until 4 February. Finnfund’s mission is to build a better world by investing in responsible and profitable businesses in developing countries. The promotion of gender equality, […]

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Finnfund’s human rights statement is ready

Finnfund’s human rights statement, aiming is to better integrate the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGP) into investment operations throughout the whole life cycle of an investment, is ready. Respecting and promoting human rights are at the very core of Finnfund’s work as a development financier and responsible impact investor. Responsible companies […]

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Finnfund calculated climate effects of its investment portfolio

The development financier Finnfund, has commenced to calculate the climate impact of its entire investment portfolio annually. The calculations show that Finnfund’s investments in forestry sequester more than half a million carbon dioxide equivalent tonnes (tCO2eq) in the atmosphere. With its investments in clean energy, Finnfund avoids emissions in developing countries by 64,000 tCO2eq annually. […]

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Independent assessment of Finnfund’s operations: Shifting the focus to the poorest countries succeeded without risking the development impacts and profitability

Finnfund has managed to invest more and more in the poorest countries and difficult sectors while maintaining its economic viability, states an independent evaluation commissioned by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. “The investments that produce the most positive development effects are quite often also the most financially challenging due to their high risks. Finnfund appears […]

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Finnfund’s disclosure policy has been updated

Transparency is a key guiding principle in Finnfund’s operations. Transparent information on Finnfund’s operations is important to fulfilling its development mandate. Finnfund’s disclosure policy has been updated, aiming to make the text clearer as well as enhance disclosure, in particular, regarding companies financed through funds. The policy is effective from 1 October 2018. Finnfund’s disclosure […]

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