Forest First Colombia S.A.S
Region and country of operations: Latin America, Colombia
Jurisdiction of registration: Colombia
Business sector: Forestry
Date of agreement (month/year): 7/2022
Finnfund’s financing: USD 2,000,000
Instrument: Loan
Share of Finnfund’s financing: 10%
Size of project/financing:
Environmental and social category: A
Project description
Forest First Colombia is establishing a large-scale forest plantation in Vichada Province, Colombia. The Company holds a considerable land asset which will be planted with fast-growing hardwood tree species for mainly pulp and/or bioenergy use. All native forestry areas within the land asset are set aside for conservation purposes. The project commenced in 2010 and Finnfund participates in its expansion phase
Main development impact
The main anticipated direct development impact of the company is its contribution to the development of the local economy through jobs, salaries, and local purchases. The project has also significant positive climate and environmental impacts.
More information
Last modified: September 2022